I had such an awesome day, at Thea's today attending her screen printing workshop
And wow what a creative bunch she had today, if I do say so myself...
Gay,Kim,Dannie,Wendy, myself and Thea
First we had to design and cut our stencil, then the fun part seeing if they printed as good as they looked on paper. And I think they all came out better on the fabric. What fun we all had.
Unfortunately this was the last workshop Thea will be holding for now as she is taking a well earned rest, and concentrating on her own designs. But do sign up to her newsletter if you would like to be informed on all things Thea & Sami

I can easily see this becoming my new obsession, not such a bad thing if this is the result. I could think of worse things to be addicted to...
My New Screen
Wendy's cute purse
Gay's gorgeous birdie
Very cool , i loved Thea's workshop too - i love your designs - the doll is so intricate - it must have taken you ages to cut out!
Thanx Katy, i did have a great day, frustrating at times:) if you know what I mean,neg /pos. Cutting the wrong bits off!
was not the way i thought it was going to turn with the babushka dolly, but happy it did now!
I love her
Oh! I want to do a screen printing workshop to. It's not fare. BooHoo! Looks fab Shannon and very addictive. Hooray and kisses to the angels on their sports day!
Shannon I feel you need to do something with this design. Get your head cracking girl.
Thanx for all your comments gals, all ready got my head cracking, i made a sewn doll from the bushka print and will put a bell inside for a rattle, soooo cute
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