Well it's that time of the month again,when the girls at Portside roll out the marquee's.
With the weather forecast looking clear, what better day than to take a stroll through our beautiful market on a lovely Springs day.
As you can tell by recent posts that things have been a lot sad for me of late, with losing my Nana. And very ill, I haven't been in a very productive mood. After saying goodbye to my Nan yesterday,today was a good day to get stuck back into it. She wouldn't want us all to be sitting around sad and feeling sorry for our selves. Although my mind was think with thoughts of her all day while I sat and created and moments in between. It was listening to her Eulogy yesterday that made me even more determined to get back to work. My Nana was such a hard worker, and it really makes me sit up and want to get things done.
And that I did and again tomorrow.
Although midnight will come around quick tomorrow and I will still be wanting to have had more done. I am so happy to be back were I love to be.
So do pop down if you are in the area on Sunday 8am -1pm,lots of talented girls and the odd boy will be there with lots of goodies for you all to see

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