4th of July was B Day. For Brisbane. BrisStyle Indie Market Day and it was awesome
Awesome crowd,awesome products,awesome atmosphere. You get the picture Awesome
This wouldn't be at all possible if not for the fantastic organisers behind the scenes.
Thanks girls you know who you are.
You may have noticed I have been a little quite of late and this is why.
What a build up to the BIMD
And being that it is school holidays, there were lots of distractions.
But I eventually got sorted by 1:30 am that morning. With the same old thought, do I have enough stock to pull this off.
In the end you can only do what you can do,right!
So here is a little of what I have been up to leading up to the BIDM,some new

Bit of a B theme happening here for B DAY,Bunting & Babushka's
A bit of time out,flower picking,de stressing(and lots of tea drinking) My Fab Neighbours 
Katie from
Kitty Boo Boo
Jess from
Tracey and Megan's stall Denim Days
With my girls helping me out(still wondering if I can class it as helping,as having 4 girls surrounded by such wonderful handmade goodness,there is'nt much profit left at the end of the day) But gee didn't they have a ball,what a fantastic environment to bring children up in surrounded by such wonderful talented women
They are still insisting that they made more sales when I wasn't there,hah!

Here are some of our goodies
mummy and bubby sunnyboy purses for Ursula & Me
A birthday purchase for my friends party next weekend made by
BeckyBeanI do love vintage tablecloths & it's reversible(cute)

Ocearna spotted these beauties very early in the day from Jess's table. And wrote a little note on my pad that read"must have these by the end of the day or order" from
Epheriell Designs Great job BrisStylettes, you rock!