This week the girls set out to paint the fort, in anticipation of Finlay's Mad Hatter Tea Party on next Sunday. Well we had lots of ideas swirling around, and with the girls cousin Cearnna and friend Isabella over, Ursula lost her fight for the garden and Alice in Wonderland theme. I too was hoping for a controlled piece of art.
As I left for my Body Shop party, I wondered what I was going to come home too, but did it really matter, they were having so much fun, paint in their hair and faces they didn't have a care in the world. And that's the way it should be. You just have to let the kids be kids, I'm starting to let go of this feeling that everything must done to plan, just let it be. ( did I mention I am a Virgo,eek!)As I drove up the drive way after my party all I could do was smile.
I'm giving up a little control in the kitchen as well and just letting them have a go, letting them make their biscuits, yesterday, while I got on with my sewing, Ursula still needs to get her 1/2 and 1 1/2 right though the mixture was a little on the orange side from not mixing enough flour with the custard powder, but it was fixable, after we went back over the recipe.
We also made our own pizza bases and sauce tonight, I am really enjoying spending this time with them.
Finlay and I let go of the notion that the base had to be circle and went for triangler base, where Ursula went for a perfect circle and Ocey well she didn't care what shape hers was as long as she got it fast,all choosing their own bases and making them themselves

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