But only a lil' one.
Called into an old haunt, the Bulimba Church Jumbo Sale, held in a church on Oxford st. Leaving a job and heading up Oxford st I glanced at the clock and thought, I wonder if it is still open. Being that it was already 12:30 and from memory they pack up at midday. To my surprise they were still open and a vacant park right out the front on my side of the road.
It was meant to be.
Although I did have a couple more stop offs before racing home to apply make up, straighten hair etc. for the girls hip hop performance.
I thought a quick peep won't hurt.
And I'm glad I did. Scored a nice lil trio of glass jars,which I seem to be into lately. They remind me of old lolly jars.

And a mass of doilies, all for the bargain price of $13. 15 to be precise.
I will be using these for singlets, but first must get list of orders done first!! Stay focused Shannon