Hi Everyone, yes I am still alive,just been flat out,running 3 jobs, well 4 if you count the family.
Just to summarise what I have been doing since my last post, at Mathilda's
-work(working for The Body Shop @ Home)
-BIMD (BrisStyle Indie Market Day) so busy forgot to take photos Thanks to Dareen &Daneve from Kish Photography & Design for photos on the day

-school graduation(my baby is off to high school:( ( I was in charge of Dec's)
-sew-work-kids-xmas shopping(and I could go on and on)
And to top it off today I had The Boutique Markets @ Portside(I remembered my camera)
It was very hot today and very very windy,my foot coping the brunt of the very forceful winds,still wondering if I have broken bones in there somewhere
Apart from that shocker start it was a nice relaxing day chatting to my lovely neighbours from Pie Rat & Kristy from Retro Wrap/Taylor from Jordan Taylor and doing abit off sewing in between. And a little shopping from Kristy & Taylor, got the girls the cutest little Xmas jarmies from Jordan Taylor check out an inspirational story here