Today I had the privilege, once again to hold the reins for Alyssa,from Lyssy May. She has taken advantage of the Ekka long weekend to catch up with her parents up North. She did warn me it was going to be quiet, she has an amazing 6th sense for this. Much like a fisherman can tell the tides or knows when a storm is approaching. Must come from years of experience in retail, I am yet to give this phenomenon a name.
Anyway, the best thing about quiet time is having the chance to create.
No beds to make, dishes to be washed,washing to be hung out,folding to put away,floors to be vacuumed. Nope not one distraction.... Just me and the machine.
Oh and the girls...... Meet some of my latest creations

On the left is Buttons for Pearl ( I have made this for my precious lil' niece Koa Pearl, who has a thing for buttons right now!)
In the middle is Violet (she is made from a vintage dress)
And to the right is Arabella (she too is made from a vintage dress)
I will be soon posting my range of "bushka babi's" on my markets online store and But for now do contact me if you have any inquires