Sunday, July 20, 2008

My Girls Think Pink

Today we.

Me & my girls

Attended Lyssy May's Think Pink Party

The fundraiser was in aid of raising money for the Kim Walters Choice Program.

And I'm happy to report that it was an amazing success. YAY!

Lots of pink cupcakes

lots of girls

lots of pink dresses

lots of wonderful raffle prizes

lots of amazing donated auction items

lots of giggles

and best of all...

lots of $$ raised for the program

Well done Alyssa for your AMAZIN' effort

Friday, July 11, 2008

Tea Anyone??

Today I had the chance to get some pink sewing done for The Think Pink Party.
I Will be adding some more pink goodies and making them into a bundle to be Auctioned or raffled on the day.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some Things I Heart (love)

Today I started on my new range 'i sew heart'.

It comes from my love of vintage, owls,babushka dolls,deers,rabbits,pussycats anything thats cute and quirky right now.

The range so far includes:

- i sew heart vintage print

- i sew heart owls

- i sew heart babushkas

ooh and doilies too!!
All headed to Alyssa at Lyssy Mays.



Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Winter beauty

Was drawn to gather these poor Camellia's that have become so heavy and fallen to the ground

Who said winter is dull. Take a walk today and take in some beautiful winter splendor

The space in which I create

Today I had the opportunity to organize my work area. Well it actually came to me at 9.00 last night.

Whats a girl to do when this urge comes on suddenly. Well nothing but go for it. I tried not to be too load.

Got so far and had to retire and resort to finishing it in the morning.

And it couldn't have come at a better time. Upon finishing I got a text from Alyssa from Lyssymay, saying she had sold two of my Bushka Babi's to a women this morning. Very encouraging! /bushkablitz

On my desk today

Today I have completed an order for Maddy's lil'half brother, Tristan. Vintage cowboy print bunting, yer ha!

Hope he likes it.

Other craftys this week were a bunch of yippy-yo-yo hair clips that I did to add to my collection at Lyssymays.

Also near completion is my next vintage scarf dress. The colours in this dress are so pretty.


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